A Small Gain

So I gained 0.2 pounds this week, oh well at least it wasn’t 2 pounds right?

I knew it would be a tough week since we were spending it out-of-town but I thought if I went with a plan and ate some meals in the hotel instead of at restaurants I would be able to control my calories and maybe still have a loss for the week.

I did okay Saturday but Sunday and Monday I was completely off track and eating whatever I wanted without giving it a second thought. I was so mad at myself for not sticking to my plan that I spent Tuesday and Wednesday overeating too. Why do I do this to myself? I can’t change what I did so why beat myself up over it?

Today I stepped on that scale expecting to see a couple extra pounds and saw I was only up 0.2, victory!

Maybe eating small portions helped, maybe it is just the good healthy eating the rest of the time, I don’t know what I did right but I must have done something right.

I am completely back on track now and I don’t have anything in the next couple weeks that will sidetrack me. I also have a case management appointment with the nurse at the weight management clinic May 30th so that will provide me with a little inspiration to keep going.

Next week I will writing all about my loss for the week 😉

Moving Forward

Well this was not one of my better food weeks but I am strangely okay with that. It feels strange not feeling guilty for getting off track for a couple of days, I am so used to the guilt that my past diets always brought when you had a “bad” week. I guess this is what it’s like to have made actual lifestyle changes.

Although I got off track for a few days I still managed to lose 0.8 pounds this week, it is not a lot but I am thrilled with the progress just the same.

I am hoping that I can keep up the momentum and have another loss next Thursday but I am not confident since we have a lacrosse tournament out-of-town this weekend. I am going to bring some yogurt and some fruits and veggies so that I will have some healthy foods to turn to, and I will try my best to make the healthiest choices I can while eating out.

Now a small update on the weight management program and a surgery date. Yesterday I received an email from the case manager asking me to make an appointment to move on to the next step towards a surgery date. I was so happy when I received the email I literally almost cried, crazy right? I guess I was just happy to have a step forward even though I don’t really know what that means yet.

Giving Up!

Yesterday was Thursday and after the fight with my scale last week I was eager to get on the scale but also nervous. I got on the scale closed my eyes for a brief second then took a deep breath and looked down at the number, down 3.6 pounds! Absolute relief!

I am now having a great morning I am feeling good about myself and I know the changes I have made are working and I can’t wait to keep this progress going.

I have to thank the support groups I belong to for my success this week since I was really feeling ready to give up last week and their encouraging words kept me going. So to all of you that commented on my post last Thursday morning, thank you!

Even with all the success I was feeling yesterday it took just one appointment with the dietitian to feel frustrated, defeated and like giving up.

As far as my actual food choices and my activity, the dietitian had nothing bad to say and she wants me to just keep going the way I am for now. Then I asked her about surgery and my good mood disappeared. When I was placed on the waiting list by the intake nurse she told me that I was looking at somewhere between October and February for a surgery date, yesterday I was told probably another year. I know it is really only an extra 3 months from February but it felt so far away.

I am feeling a little better about it today but it still very discouraging, I feel like I am waiting for someone else to decide when I can start the rest of my life. Although I am only 32 years old I feel like I have wasted so many years being overweight that the thought of having this surgery even just 3 months further away makes me feel incredibly sad.

I am not giving up though, I am going to continue to keep up a healthier lifestyle and hope for some kind of surgery date miracle, or perhaps to win the lottery then I would be able to afford to pay for surgery and I wouldn’t have to wait so long.

So for this week I am going to stay on track the best that I can and try to keep up a positive attitude. I will not give up this time!!!