New Shoes???

At more than 5 months post op I am feeling great. I have had results that have exceeded my expectations and I am looking forward to getting to my goal weight which doesn’t seem so far anymore. I actually feel like I will make it to goal, it used to feel like it was impossible.

I want to share a few things that have happened in the last few weeks that were either unexpected or just things that would have never happened without the gastric sleeve surgery.

  • I lost weight while on vacation camping for 2 weeks, I have never lost weight on any vacation ever!
  • I have tried on clothing that I thought was going to be too small and it fit. I can actually shop in a regular clothing store it doesn’t have to be a “plus size” store anymore.
  • Strange but true, some of my shoes have gotten too big. This is bitter sweet as I have some shoes that I absolutely love and I may have to give some away.
  • I realized today for some reason that I get to buy a new winter coat this year and I will be able to buy something that is nice because I will have options other than the 2 or 3 boring coats the plus size stores always stock.
  • I am enjoying getting dressed in the morning even when I have to put a favorite top in the “too big” pile. I am not loving my body but I don’t hate it as much as I used to.
  • Excess skin, this is something I am just starting notice and I find myself thinking more about skin removal which is something I had hoped to avoid.
  • Hair loss, my hair is still falling out but I think it is falling out less than it was a few weeks ago so I am hoping that in the next month it will have stopped coming out.

Soon I will be at 6 months and I think it is expected that the weight loss will start to slow down a little. I have another 30 – 40 lbs I would like to lose, I think 30 is probably more realistic and I am hoping to get to my goal before 1 year surgery anniversary. I think in order to reach my goal I really need to step up my activity. Being more active is always a goal and I am not sure what holds me back from getting a regular exercise  schedule going but if I want success I need to figure out how to fit it in even when we are crazy busy.